Brainstorming New Year’s Resolutions

Yes, we’ve got almost a month before New Year’s, but now is a great time to start thinking about New Year’s resolutions!

I love New Year’s Resolutions.  I love looking at where I am in life, figuring out what I’d like to do better, and working towards that.  I love that once a year, people will ask me about my goals, and it’s not weird to ask them about theirs.  It’s sort of awkward to walk up to someone in July and be like “Hey… so, any resolutions lately?  What are you trying to do better?”

I’ve said this before, but I wish there were a “checkpoint” tradition where in June we ask everyone around us how their New Year’s Resolutions are going, and give them encouragement.

Now is a great time to think about New Year’s Resolutions, because chances are good that you just gathered with family or friends for Thanksgiving.  There’s nothing like seeing so many people you care about, and who care about you, that makes you want to put your best foot forward and be the best version of yourself you can.

How close are you to your ideal self, and how can you get closer?  Think about how Thanksgiving went – when you were sitting down to that dinner, what part of your life do you wish you could have described as better than it is to those who matter to you most?

Which questions do you wish you could have answered differently, whether they were about work, your health, hobbies, friendships or relationships?  Are there ways you could make those things better?

I would love to show my family that I’m a good mother, that I’ve gotten better at dealing with stress, that running makes me super happy and a stronger person, and that I’ve figured out how to manage my time and not be overwhelmed and exhausted.

I don’t want to pretend, and put on a good face, I want to really BE that version of myself that I wish my family saw when we all gathered together for the holidays.

That means that this year I won’t just have running goals, I want to have better life goals, too.  I’m starting my brainstorming… are you?



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