Joyful Vegan: Colleen Patrick-Goudreau is a vegan cookbook author and writer. Her Food for Thought podcast has been incredibly helpful in navigating the social side of being vegan in a non-vegan world. She is the calm voice of reason that helps me know what to say when in a way that has the most positive impact on my relationship with others while staying true to my vegan self. She has a lot of wonderful advice, including why we shouldn’t engage online or in social media, how to respond to vegan jokes, and how to know when you end and another person begins so you can be yourself without jeopardizing your relationship with others. She is truly fabulous. If you are listening to her podcast for the first time, be aware that she often spends a good amount of time in the beginning sharing e-mails and personal stories before getting into the topic at hand. If you’re short on time, you may want to skip a bit into the podcast to get to the more focused content.


The Rich Roll Podcast:  Rich Roll is a vegan ultra-endurance athlete. He’s known for completing 5 ironman distance triathlons in 5 days on the 5 major islands in Hawaii. Powered by plants and intrigued by leaders in the wellness field, he does long form interviews with groundbreakers and world-changers. Great for long car rides or long runs. Some of my favorite episodes are about the microbiome, sleep, and meditation. He tends to group his ads (which pay for his free podcast, so let’s not fault him for those) in the beginning, so skipping the first couple minutes will get you to the good stuff if you’re feeling impatient.