Get together with your friends. Seriously.

Our entire Friday morning playgroup from when the kids were toddlers reunited for a coffee this morning!

One of our best with the brightest smile and most contagious laugh moves back to Ireland this summer. It was such a joyful morning but in the silence that followed the tears finally came. A good reminder to gather often with friends.

Don’t wait until you’re not busy or the counters are clutter free.

Just put on the coffee and send out the email. Sure, I did more than that today because it was special, but we didn’t back then. All that ever mattered was a place to be together with friends who laugh and don’t judge through all the stages of parenting and life. 💕

I remember seeing a graphic representation estimating how many more times someone would do certain things in their life. How many more times, in a grid of dots, would they see the ocean? Their parents? How could you increase the number of dots for the important things? Those pictures stuck with me and influenced our decision to spend more time near the kids’ grandparents during the summer.

I wonder how many dots I will have in my life for the number of times I put a sticky note like this on my front door.

There have been a lot, and I hope there will be so many more.

Last August, I wrote a truly lovely and hilarious daydream of what I would do this year now that the kids are finally in school.

It will dismay but perhaps not surprise you that most of it didn’t happen. But I did go out to dinner with friends, and to the movies, and out for lunch. We did make guacamole and white bean dip and have couples over on Memorial Day, and while that’s not a dip-extravaganza, it was a great time.

And when I look at that list, I don’t regret the times my kids got dressed out of the dryer anywhere near as much as I wish I’d hosted that monthly dinner party.

So. What have I learned?

I never regret the time I make to be with friends and family, even if it means store-bought popcorn and crossing my fingers no one goes upstairs because the kids’ rooms are a disaster.

Add more dots to your page of times you’ll see people who make you laugh and feel understood, and who bring over their adorable dog.



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