My Top 7 Blog Posts for Living Better

I know I’m not the only one using January as a time to get back into good habits, clean out drawers, or find a small way to live a little better! Recently some of my past blog posts with ideas for living well have been getting more web traffic.

Here are some of the favorites!

Reorganizing my Running Clothes With the KonMari Folding Method.Known for her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, her method did work some intense magic on my workout clothes a few years ago.

Tips for Stopping Junk Mail. I only received 4 pieces of junk mail for all of December – I keep track in an excel sheet so I don’t call companies for removal twice without giving them a grace period for pre-printed mail. I’m relentless about our mail, but it has worked! Now I come back from being away with a manageable stack, and bills and correspondence are less likely to get lost.

Eliminating Walking Breaks from Your Runs. This post was written early in my blogging days when I was struggling with active recovery myself. It talks about when you should and when you shouldn’t tackle those walking breaks and how to do it.

Form a Fitness Game Plan. This is the downloadable workbook I created for a talk I did at the Wellesley Wellness Retreat (coming up again January 27th, 2019, a great event though I won’t be there this year!). I love this workbook – it’s a compilation of my best advice from the blog completely rewritten in the order that I think is most helpful for anyone thinking about forming a new goal, with questions and exercises for you to narrow in on your true motivation and the resources you have so you can make a fitness goal that you’ll love and realistically achieve.

Eat Healthier by Including More of Dr. Greger’s “Daily Dozen”:It’s no secret how much I love the way eating whole, plant-based foods makes me feel. The more fruits, vegetables and whole grains I incorporate into my day the better I feel. One of my goals for 2019 is to eat more leafy greens!

My Favorite Winter Running Gear: Get out there!

Try a New Gym Class!You can read about all my adventures taking every class that was offered at the Equinox near me in 2017. I pushed myself to try tons of new and different things, learned how to feel comfortable walking into any fitness class for the first time, and discovered what I really love most when it comes to working out. You don’t have to try everything to get the benefits of trying something new!


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