Saturday Run & Focus T25 Update


Went for a gorgeous Saturday morning run with six other moms in the local mother’s forum running group – it’s amazing how much I love it every time I go.

We split into two pace groups and when my pace group turned back at 1.5 miles to do 3 total, I followed the other group to do the 4 mile loop, running 2.5 miles alone but getting to talk before and after the run and running at both a comfortable and a challenging pace. What could be better?

Greg and I have done only a few of the T25 workouts because I went all in on the first one and injured my calves – couldn’t run for three days. The modifications are there for a reason – if you’re hurting, use them, especially on the first week!

What I LOVE is the feeling I get when I am out of bed, exercised, and showered before dealing with small children who want breakfast. I also love the “my body worked” feeling all day. More than how this might increase my strength long term, I love how I feel short term the days that we get up and do it.

This week should be our first full week starting Monday, and I will be careful to do modifications when my muscles start to burn, so that I work as hard as I can without jeopardizing my ability to work hard again the next day.

It’s in the forties today and some of the snow and ice is melting… Time to start planning for spring races and looking forward to playground weather!!!

Some of our sidewalks are literally sheer ice… no wonder workout videos have been so appealing.

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