Summer is coming! Get your body beach ready

No. I’m not talking swimsuit ready.

You know how to get your body swimsuit ready. You buy a swimsuit and you put it on.

I’m talking BEACH ready.


Fitness is about what your body can do, not how your body looks.

Our desire to look attractive on the beach stems from a hope for connection, which I can sympathize with, but why do we want to look good?

So we can attract someone fun to have fun with.

But most of the people I know who have found people to have fun with don’t look like airbrushed models on beach-body-ready advertisements. Looks shouldn’t be the focus; they’re not a true prerequisite for connection and fun.

Are you ready to paddle, swim and haul?

Being beach ready should have nothing to do with what we LOOK like on the beach, and everything to do with how to get all our picnic items, beach chairs, and beach toys down to the beach and still have energy left for body surfing.

Think about how much further you could paddle that kayak this summer if you started lifting some weights now.

Glorious thought, isn’t it?

What if you could haul all your stuff down to the beach in one trip?

You know that working out makes you stronger and increases endurance, right?

Forget about how your arms look and think about how much #$(* you have to CARRY TO THE BEACH.

Don’t “tone”. Strengthen.

Think about what you want to do this summer, and use your spring training to get ready to have some fun 🙂







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Focus on what matters! Happy Spring training everyone 🙂



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